Enhancing Survival Capabilities of Ophans/Destitute
This project is primarily concerned with the aim of creating a conducive environment where street children and those orphaned by the consequences of war, fatal accidents, the HIV / AIDS pandemic, man-made and natural disasters, ethnic clashes, socio-economic factors and so on, can be nurtured and empowered to stand on their own and create wealth for themselves.
The above titled project, as the name implies has been designed to pursue the objectives of enhancing the survival capabilities and potential of children of neglect. Programmes like skill acquisition, educational scheme, vocational training, food formulae/ supplements, health incentives, micro-credit facilities, and so on, form the vital ingredients of this project.
There are 3 major division inherent in this project – Group A (ages 3 – 12 years), Group B(ages 3 – 17 years), and Group c(ages 18 and above). The project is designed to take orphans and destitute through their formatting years, that is, their juvenile –ado-lescent stage to their puberty-adulthood stage and, put them back into the larger society where they can fend comfortably for themselves.
A computerised unit has been designed to form the bed rock for the administration and management of this project and would be armed with up-to-date virtual (digital) facilities and audio-visual equipment. Information Communication Technology (ICT) would also be employed as the key instrument in promoting educational and cross-cultural exchange between the children and other children of the world. At the end of the day, there children would be taught to think globally, and act locally.
Health care services would also be provided all through the phases of the project to enhance the physical and mental wellbeing of these disadvantage group with the over-riding view of creating education and awareness on prevailing health problems.
Through its skills acquisition, vocational training programmes, and other support services like concerts, games and sporting facilities, workshops, consultancy, and so on, the project would be able to sustain itself in the long run by creating employment and providing goods and services for its orphans, organisation and people outside the orphanage.
In actualizing this project our managerial competence is not in doubt as our staff members come from divers cultural & professionals backgrounds, they are trainers, co-ordinators, consultants and experts who have experience working with the business community, government and organisations, they combine a solid culture, specific knowledge and experience with an academic background.
We also work together with technical partners, national governments, private companies, multinationals, science institutions, funding agents, international donors, and so on.
For instance, we have a project in Imo State which we formulated titled “Integrated Agro /Environmental Projectsâ€, which we are embarking with the Imo State government, African Development Bank, Nigerian Investment Promotion Commissions, and other partners. PAC is now working together with the Imo State Government to create the enabling environment for all partners to come in and execute the project, which is in an advanced stage.
In June 23, 24, 25, 2002, PAC will present two papers: the first titled- “The Role of ICT in Open-Distance Education in Nigeriaâ€, while the second is – “Underdevelopment, A Bane to the Development of ICT in Sub-Saharan Africa.†These papers were accepted for presentation at the 3rd Annual Global Information Technology World Conference taking place in New York.
UNCESCO has also indicated interest in our initiative for their culture of peace prograrmme and have asked for our collaboration to contribute to the Framework of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non- Violence for the children of the world (2001 – 2010).
From the foregoing, the board of trustees and management of PAC which to invite all interested parties to collaborate in this project that would make the difference in the lives of these orphans and destitutes.
Please contact us if you have any comments or would like to discuss any aspect of this project in more detail, if you would like more information about our organisation, please visit our website on the internet at www.povalcrus.8m.net.
Managing Director
Title page i
Executive Summary 1 - 3
Execution Instruments 5
Aims & Objectives 6
Coverage /Target Groups 7
Methodology / Proposed Strategy 7 - 12
Programm Activities 7 - 12
Cost 13
Sustainability / Management of the Project 14
Expected Benefits 15
PROJECT TITLE: Enhancing Survival Capabilities of Orphans / Destitute.
STATUS – Project under preparation
DURATION - 10 Years ( Phase 1: 2002 – 07, phase ii : 2008 – 12)
EXECUTORS - Poverty Alleviation crusaders (NGO), Nigeria, PHENING, ETC.
FUNDING PROPORTIONS - To be determined (TBD)
TARGET POPULATION - 80 percent of all orphaned / disadvantaged
children in the poorest communities in Nigeria.
PARTNER AGENCIES - Imo State Government, National Information and
Technology Agency.
1. Health Care and Nutritional Facilities
2. Educational programmes
3. Skills acquisition programmes / Vocational Training Programme.
4. Micro-Credit Facilities.
5. Support Services; Virtual (Digital) Library facilities, audio-visuals, play ground, game sport centre, Church, Concert halls, etc.
6. Utilising Information Communication Technology to promote their educational and cross-cultural exchange.
7. Health Care Services, Capacity building programmes and Entrepreneurship.
8. Training, Work shops, Symposiums, exhibitions, shows, etc.
1. To improve nutrition, health, and social skills in disadvantage and underprivileged groups, particularly children.
2. To reduce malnutrition in this orphaned children ages 0-6, particularly those 3 and under.
3. To strengthen this orphans survival capacity and capabilities to overcome life’s challenges.
4. To reduce inequality in school access and achievements by specifically targeting poor and disadvantage students especially girls.
5. To reduce infant mortality, malnutrition, and infertility rates through improved educational opportunities for girls.
6. To propagate awareness campaigns in remote areas over the ten-year project period to promote educational and health supplies to underprivileged children, with priority given to girls.
7. To increase access to this vulnerable group, pre-school, primary and other vocational skill acquisition opportunities.
8. To reduce violent behaviour and illicit activities among this children and youth.
9. To improve disease prevention skills and health care practices of parents, other care giver, and PAC workers.
10. To identify existing resources and capabilities in these young victims especially as a result of HIV / AIDS and see how best they can be made useful.
11. To provide a forum for interchange and discussion, and to enable this disadvantaged groups share their concerns, experiences, challenges and problems with the aim of re-orientating and rehabilitating them back into the society.
12. To utilise some support services to promote technological innovation and deployment by identifying opportunities for this victims to flourish.
13. To improve prevention and control of the spread of HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and blood-borne infections.
14. To reduce maternal and child mortality rates and improve child survival and development in the poorest areas of Nigeria.
1. Street Children / Destitute.
2. Orphans as a result of HIV / AIDS.
3. Orphans of man-made & natural disasters
4. Orphans of ethnic clashes.
5. Survivors of fatal accidents.
6. Victim of child labour and Abuse.
For easy implementation of this project, it has been divided into two phases:
Phase 1
This phase which particularly refers to the foster home unit in the proposed community multi-disciplinary center and has been grouped into three with the conviction that the most pressing need of orphaned children are food(56% suffer from malnutrition), inadequate health services and Clothing.
This group will consist of children between the age of 3 – 12 years of age.
In this group, we will utilise the following instrument:
a. Educational Programmes
b. Playground, reservation centre, sporting facilities
c. Virtual (Digital) Library facilities and other audio-visual facilities, such as TV, Video, Radio, Computers, Video games, e.t.c.
d. Health Care Service / Education and awareness.
This group consist of adolescent children between the age of 13 – 18 years.
In this group, we will utilise the following instruments:
a. Skills acquisition Programme
b. Vocational Training Programme
c. Scholarship / fellowship for those going to school.
d. Computer Literacy Programme
e. Health Care delivery and reforms
f. *Direct Labour Utilisation
18 Year and above
a. Micro- credit facilities for those that have hand-work e.g.
Carpenters, welders, tailors, e. t. c.
b. Micro -credit for those that want to go into trade-
Entrepreneurship generally.
c. Provision of equipment / facility for them to be used for business
e.g. grinding machine for pepper, tomatoes, motor-cycle for
commercial purposes, e.t.c
d. Bring the traders, farmers, fishermen and other craftsmen
together to form a co-operative society, so that they can benefit
from government schemes and programmes.
e. Utilising them as manpower for projects to ensure that they earn
a living.
f. Setting up transport schemes for them.
g. Set up a health scheme at subsidised rates.
I. To cultivate large scale farming with a view to creating primary assignment opportunities for our target group.
ii. To engage the target group in the processing of fruits and vegetables and cash crops.
iii. To set up labour intensive farm project with a view to creating further employment opportunities.
I. To conduct enlightenment campaign on the clean water project.
II. Identify communities that will require our water resources services.
III. Solicit and obtain contract for bore-holes construction in any community where interest has been exposed and agreement sealed.
I. Establishment of vocational training centre.
II. Acquisition of equipment and tools.
III. Organisation of teaching, administrative and supporting staff.
IV. Identification and registration of prospective candidates.
I. Production of bread, cakes, sweets and other confectioneries.
II. Location of the sewing plant
III. procuring new materials
IV. procuring new machines
V. Employment of experience tailors
VI. Teaching of sewing techniques
VII. Utilising cash crops and food crops.
This phase entail creation of care centres in the various geographical areas of the country with the aim of expanding the project. It will also include distribution of materials to remote areas through network transmission, video-on-wheels, and local video centres /contact centres.
Primary Health Care:
a. Set up, expand, and rehabilitate outpatient services for maternal and child
health care in district hospitals, health care centres and health posts.
b. Purchase furniture, equipment, and supplies for district and health centres.
c. Provide medical supplies and stocks of essential drugs for primary health care
Community Nutrition Activities:
a. Provide monthly, take-home food supplement packages for all children of ages six months to two years, malnourished children of ages two to five years, and all pregnant and lactating women at the health clinics.
b. Conduct nutrition education activities-information, education, communication
and community mobilisation.
c. support to community-based activities aimed at improving nutrition,
hygiene, and sanitation in villages.
d. Training of community nutrition workers and social workers.
Child Day Care:
a. Construct, rehabilitate, and expand day-care centres and provide growth-monitoring equipment
b. Build, rehabilitate, expand and equip kitchen centres, dining rooms, food storage areas.
c. Provide food supplements for all attendees under five years.
d. Educate parents about nutrition
e. Introduced further facilities that stimulate young children’s cognitive development.
f. Introduce educational activities for health care workers and mothers.
Primary Education:
a. Provide training, pre-school kits, and remuneration to workers involved in the project.
(b) Develop, print, and distribute an appropriate curriculum and supply textbooks
and information books.
b. Mobilise communities to actively support and monitor the provision of education services in their communities.
Community Participation And Management:
a. Set up a network, to support, study and improve local children development project and Initiatives.
b. Strengthen the ability of centres to promote new children development project, with particular emphasis in the less privileged and disadvantaged model.
c. Develop a programme to educate parents and communities about benefit of early intervention and alternatives for local project and activities.
d. Develop a training program for community caregivers.
e. Provide matching innovations grants to build and operate community- based child development programs.
Community – Based Child Health Program:
a. Build wellsprings
b. Provide and promote use and maintenance of safe latrines.
c. Provide health facilities with essential drugs, medical equipment and supply for child health.
d. Develop preventive and child health service delivery.
Train community caregivers in the design and dissemination of learning and play material, and also in the psycho-social development of Children.
1. Pre-Investments (Professional fees) 10,500.000
2. Cost of Location / Offices 55,200.000
3. Machinery & Equipment 36,300.000
4. Fixtures & Fittings 28,500.000 244,700.000
5. Health Care & Nutritional Facilities 49,500.000
6. Educational Facilities 36,700.000
7. Working Capital 28,000,000
1. Educational Programmes 30,000.000
2. Skills acquisition / Vocational Training Programme 20,300.000
3. Health Food and Supplementary Programme 28,900.000
4. Computer Literacy Programme 12,000.000 157,500.000
5. Micro-Credit Programme 50,000.000
6. Capacity Building Programmes 5,500.000
7. Support Services (Recreational Facilities, etc) 10,800.000
1. Expansion of Day Care Centres 20,800.000
2. Primary Health Care Programmes 15,600.000
3. Community Nutrition Programmes 10,300.000
4. Primary Education Programmes 15,000.000 90,900.000
5. Training of Trainers Programme 10,500.000
6. Community Participation / mgt. Programme 5,200.000
7. Community – Based Child Health Programmes 13,500.000
Contingency Margin 10,000.000
-------------------TOTAL 503,100.000
1. Embark on a pilot Educational Television Programme for preschool-age children which will be sold for revenue.
2. Finance the production of videos to train mothers and other caregivers about young children’s development which will also be sold for revenue.
3. Those projects in areas of skills acquisition, vocational training and the re-paid money from the micro-credit are among mechanism put in place to ensure sustainability of the project.
4. We will set up and finance mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the project.
5. Also we will sustain the project through conducting on-the-job training for Early Child Development teachers.
6. Financial solvency for the project through the sale of educational video, the training of staff from other stations or regions in production of children’s programmes, and creation and sale of products based on other project activities and programs.
7. Use of models developed under the pilot program to produce, distribute, and evaluate multi-media education programs by other countries in the region.
8. Provide support to local government units in implementing programs in the areas of communications, planning, managing and monitoring, management information systems (MIS); and training local workers.
9. Provide management training to preschool and primary school administrators at the ministry of education and other relevant agencies.
10. Produce manuals for education administration.
11. Establish an educational information system for administration, budgeting, monitoring and other Health related schemes.
12. Finance municipal education and cultural services such as Libraries, Children museums, etc.
13. Provide training and technical assistance to municipalities on management issues and financing municipal investments in new and existing schools and hospitals.
14. Utilizing our Agricultural, Vocational and Skills acquisition outputs for generating of revenue.
· Communities in general and this disadvantage group, would be mobilised and empowered for decision making and the delivery and monitoring of basic services for young children.
· It will increase local capacity of communities to manage Early Child Development Programs
· It will increase the participation of parents to foster their children’s physical and psychosocial development.
· Enhance social skills and school readiness of these orphans, especially those with cognitive and emotional deficiencies.
· Reduce medical care cost for maternal and child health-related services for impoverished families, especially our focus groups.
· Increase access to preschool, primary, lower secondary education and vocations / skills opportunities.
· To ultimately improve these orphans access to quality basic social and physical infrastructure and social services.
· Increase awareness and capacity among policy makers, and evaluation of comprehensive Early child Development Programs.